Alexander M. Christgau


Department of Mathematical Sciences

Universitetsparken 5

2100 Copenhagen


Hi, I am Alexander. I am studying for a PhD at the Copenhagen Causality Lab, where I am supervised by Niels Richard Hansen :sunglasses:

My research interests lie within mathematical statistics and machine learning, in particular causality, dynamical systems and high-dimensional statistics. If any of this sounds interesting, feel free to reach out!

I hold a bachelor degree in mathematics and a master degree in statistics, both attained at the University of Copenhagen.


Apr 18, 2024 I gave a plenary talk at EuroCIM about our recent work on efficient adjustment :nerd_face: :speech_balloon:
[Handout version of slides]
Feb 21, 2024 New project: Efficient adjustment for complex covariates: Gaining efficiency with DOPE :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: [arXiv]
Oct 29, 2023 Our paper, Nonparametric conditional local independence testing, got published in The Annals of Statistics! :tada: :tada: :tada: The published version with supplementary material is also available in a single PDF at nrhstat :sunglasses:
Jan 27, 2023 My two side projects (spin-offs from my graduate studies) have been published in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision and Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics.
Oct 14, 2022 I gave a talk about my ongoing research on efficient representation adjustment at this joint Workshop on Graphical Models between ETH Zürich, University of Copenhagen, and Technical University of Munich.